July 18, 2024
From The Seattle Times:
U.S. Rep. Suzan DelBene has a big job, not just representing Washington’s 1st Congressional District, but also trying to flip the House of Representatives to Democratic control.
The former Microsoft executive with humble beginnings negotiated to address the semiconductor chip shortage two years ago and now is working to protect people’s privacy, as well as making college and housing more affordable for more people. She spearheaded the effort to temporarily expand the child tax credit as part of COVID-19 relief. Now that it has expired, she wants to make permanent that tax credit that kept almost 4 million children out of poverty.
In her six terms, Suzan DelBene has served the 1st District, the state and nation well, and voters should send her back to Washington, D.C. Congress needs more leaders like her, on both sides of the aisle.
Read the full editorial here.